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Stress - 14 de articole in

O metoda care nu da gres pentru a scapa de stres: ceai calmant

Ai o munca solicitanta? Un sef mereu nervos si cu vocea mai puternica decat ar fi normal? Ai probleme in casnicie sau copilul tau chiuleste si ia note proaste? Toate acestea sunt factori de stres. Stresul, un cuvant atat de intrebuintat si, totusi, ...
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Ultimele 13 stiri adaugate si gasite la cautarea dupa stress

Produse tradi?ionale: Magiunul de Topoloveni, medaliat la Bruxelles

Magiunul natural de prune Topoloveni � primul aliment traditional romanesc medaliat de International Taste and Quality Institute, Bruxelles, cu distinctia �Superior Taste Award�. Magiunul natural de prune Topoloveni a fost medaliat de ...
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EFSA solicita o mai buna cooperare intre statele membre pentru protejarea albinelor

Procesul de polenizare a devenit tot mai slab din cauza deficitului reprezentat de numarul tot mai scazut de albine, fapt care pune in pericol culturile agricole din Marea Britanie, dar si pe cele din restul Europei. Cercetatorii sustin ca ...
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Magiunul de Topoloveni primeste distinctia "Superior Taste Award" din partea International Taste and Quality Institute

Magiunul natural de prune Topoloveni – primul aliment traditional romanesc medaliat de International Taste and Quality Institute, Bruxelles, cu distinctia „Superior Taste Award”. Magiunul natural de prune Topoloveni a fost medaliat de ...
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Dupa puiul familist, Agricola Bacau lanseaza puiul antistres

Agricola Bacău lansează un nou produs unic pe piaţa românească de carne de pui - Puiul Antistres - comercializat într-o formulă inovatoare de ambalare: gata igienizat şi aşezat chiar în tăviţa în care se găteşte. Investiţia în ...
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Dire winter triggers livestock disaster in Mongolia

Temperatures plunging to -50°C have killed 1.7 million head of livestock in Mongolia, threatening the livelihoods of 21 000 herder families and putting them at risk of food insecurity, FAO warned today. An FAO rapid needs assessment on the impact ...
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Summary of the hearing of Dacian Ciolos - Agriculture and rural development

The future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 and its budgetary aspects, the use of direct payments, the volatility of prices in the food markets and ongoing international negotiations were among the topics raised by MEPs during the ...
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Milk price collapse: Commission proposals judged insufficient

How best to halt the fall in milk prices and relieve producers? The measures taken or envisaged by the European Commission to resolve the current crisis are inadequate, said Agriculture Committee MEPs and producer representatives in a debate on ...
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Romanian Min Blames Farmers For Setbacks In Country’s Agricultural Sector

Romania’s agriculture minister Ilie Sarbu on Saturday said Romania’s attempt, during 2001-2004, to adopt a law meant to unite plots of land failed after meeting farmers’ strong opposition. The minister said small farmers were not at all ...
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Global food security: more European initiatives needed say MEPs

The European Parliament calls for “immediate and continuous action” to ensure global food security. It believes the aid of EUR 1 billion that the EU has decided to give to developing countries should be accompanied by fresh investment in ...
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Ecosystem approach to fisheries management

Parliament adopted a report on the Commission communication "The role of the Common Fisheries Policy in implementing an ecosystem approach to marine management". According to MEPs, this initiative is a "contribution" for guaranteeing exploitation of ...
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Contaminated Irish Pork Reaches Romania, Food Safety Authority On The Watch

Over 3.5 tons of contaminated pork from Ireland, which reached a warehouse in Romania’s capital city Bucharest, were supplied to five companies located in three Romanian counties, Csutak Nagy Laszlo, vice-president of Romania’s ...
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Global food security: more European initiatives needed

The EP Agriculture Committee called on Monday for “immediate and continuous action” to ensure global food security. It believes the aid of EUR 1 billion that the EU has decided to give to developing countries should be accompanied by fresh ...
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ACP-EU Assembly debate centres on Economic Partnership Agreement with the Pacific region and food crisis

Negotiations on the EU's economic partnership agreement with the Pacific region and the impact of the food and financial crisis on developing countries are taking centre stage at the 16th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Port ...
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